Friday, July 5, 2013

UA Teachers in Lima

You may (or may not) be wondering what we teachers have been doing in Lima in addition to chaperoning our delightful student delegation. Well, we have been taking in every aspect of Peruvian culture at every opportunity as you might well imagine - A few highlights are below....

This entry is dedicated to our UA President & travel companion, Gretchen Kane, who has now returned to Dallas but whose love of llamas and of the phrase "Que linda!" lives on in our hearts! We miss you!

Mr. Hoyle contemplates the history of Peru at the Larco "Hoyle" museum

Ms. Chinuntdet adding to her international art collection

The students are not the only ones who like Lucuma ice cream!

An evening stroll through Lima's circuit of magic fountains...

Help! I'm trapped in this fountain!

Great times with Sister Ester and our dear friend and colleague, Ana Maria Reyes

WOW - That's a lot of pottery!!
Another happy moment at the Inca market

Enjoying the music at the Peruvian Changing of the Guard

Celebrating July 4 with the Sisters (and a tres leches cake) in the St. Ursula convent (Que lindas!)

Our very favorite activity has been laughing together
 as we ride around Lima in our blue Scooby 1970's van ! Good times!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an awesome trip so far! I can't wait to hear more about it! (@ Jenny B.: LDC when you return?!)
