Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday at Wimbledon High School

Today's information is brought to you by Abby!

Hello everyone,
We began our day at the Ursuline High School with a tour by some of the younger girls, the international school leaders. My group stopped by the drama room, so we were able to meet the drama teacher who was from Dallas! He let us practice a scene from the musical Hairspray. After that we all met back in the homeroom where we were divided up and were sent to different classes. I went to a Philosophy and Ethics class with older students. The class was extremely interesting!! After the class we went on break with our host sisters and then we gave two presentations on Texas and taught the girls how to line dance. After a lunch break, we walked to the Wimbledon Prep School across the street to give two more presentations the year 5 and year 6 younger students. Since our host students had parent-teacher conferences after school, Emily, Angie, and I went shopping and had desserts with the Ursuline Dallas teachers and the Wimbledon trip coordinator. When our host students picked us up, we made our way home. It was such a fun day and I can't wait until tomorrow when we will be visiting the Cabinet War Rooms and having lunch in the Cloisters at Westminster Abbey!

The Dallas girls take questions from the Prep School
about what life if like in Texas.
Dallas girls teach the younger students how to sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas"

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