Monday, July 22, 2013

Hello from Costa Rica!

This week, four adventurous UA students and two faculty chaperons are in Costa Rica at a Global Youth Leadership Institute (GYLI) Conference. They have only been in Costa Rica for 4 days but they have already experienced and learned so much. The group started off at the campus of United World College where they met many new friends and began the process of identifying their own personal leadership styles. Now they are residing on the campus of Earth University where they are learning about sustainability. Most recently, they have had lessons about how Cacao beans eventually become chocolate and about gardening alternatives when there is no proper soil to use for planting crops. The group reports that they are having a wonderful time in the tropical environment and that they are learning a lot and are laughing a lot!  We look forward to hearing more from them in the coming days.
Hello from Costa Rica!

It's just beautiful here!

Early morning work out ...

Sharing with our new friends

UWC Campus

A Cacao pod - the fruit is delicious!

Planting tomatoes

Fresh fruit from the tress !

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