Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peruvian treats!

We have had a wonderful past few days in Peru! As you may recall, we went on an excursion to Southern Peru for the weekend. One highlight of the weekend was learning about "Tejas", a popular and extremely delicious candy which is uniquely Peruvian. While in the city of Ica, we visited the home of the famous "Senora Rosalia", the woman who is credited with creating this popular treat. Even though Rosalia passed away a few years ago, her family continues to keep the candy making tradition alive. A few of our students learned how to make the Tejas candies while we were there! It was a delicious cultural experience for all of us!

Candy making is serious work!


There are lots of photos of famous people eating the Tejas candies on the wall of Rosalia's home.
There was even a photo of Pope John Paul II!

We also loved meeting the family pets!

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