Friday, July 5, 2013

Thatcher Thursday

Today we will hear from Kelley!

button from local organization promoting more women in politics
traditional fish and chips

Today we attended a history session about Margaret Thatcher and the general background for the musical, Billy Elliot. It was really interesting to see the British side of what was happening in the 1980s and how they felt about Margaret Thatcher. After the class, we also attended a talk about suffragettes who fought for women's right to vote at the turn of the 20th century. We talked about female empowerment and discussed how we thought the world would change if women gained more power in politics. I thought it was a very interesting session and it left me thinking.  In the afternoon, my host and I went to eat fish and chips which were absolutely delicious!  From there, we met everybody at the train station to go and watch Billy Elliot. The musical was very powerful and inspiring, the dancing and intense music made an even bigger impact. I had an awesome time at the musical! 

- Kelley

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