Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday in London

We will be hearing from Angie today on one of her last days in London! We all can't believe how quickly the trip has flown by!

Another lovely day in London:
Hey everyone!
As our trip to England comes to a close, we made sure to take full advantage of our final weekend. We began the day with a trip down to central London, where we went to the Saatchi gallery. It was a nice art gallery and we saw some amazing pieces. We then visited the fantastic Harrod's. I really didn't know what to expect, but I can honestly say it was the coolest department store I have ever been to. Think of anything and Harrod's most likely has it! It was absolutely giant, and I was happy to get some shopping done. We also had a nice lunch inside. After our shopping adventure, we headed to Kensington Park, where we visited Kensington Palace. We saw two exhibitions: one on Queen Victoria and the other on Royal Fashion throughout the ages. I found both exhibitions to be incredibly interesting. The one on Queen Victoria led us through several stages of her life, all from when she first heard she was to become Queen to when her beloved husband Albert passed away, and she spent the rest of her life in mourning. They had original dresses and objects that she used, so it was amazing to be able to see those in person. The fashion exhibition also held original dresses that where worn by Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, and many others. The dresses were stunning. After visiting the two exhibitions, we took a walk out to Kensington Park. Since it was really nice out it was full of people laying out in the sun and enjoying the day. We then headed home and enjoyed a delicious BBQ.
So this just about sums up my day! I had so much fun.
See you all Monday night!

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