Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day of the Teacher in Peru

By Mattie B., July 4
Today in Peru was " El Día del Maestro" or Day of the Teachers. This is a Peruvian national holiday celebrating teachers and all the dedication and work they put into their jobs. At first I was a little sad because I would be missing the Fourth of July celebrations in the USA, but, after wonderful performances by the whole school, my spirits were lifted. The order of the performances went from youngest to oldest. All grades spent months preparing for this day; some started practicing in March. The performances included dances, skits, singing, and lovely instrumental pieces. One of my favorites was a group of five girls around the age of seven who danced to the song "Boogie Shoes."  It was one of the cutest things ever; they had so much sass. At the end, the seniors specially thanked the teachers for being with them through their school years. They sang a song and eventually broke into tears. The performance ended with the seniors giving each teacher a rose. It was a very special day and we were proud to be a part of it!
Boogie Shoes!

Delighted Santa Ursula Teachers & Ms. Kane in the audience
Ballet level 1

Modern Dance

Solo ballet by Caroline, daughter of Brigitte, Santa Ursula principal

A hilarious skit about misbehaving in class: "I will not bring my yo-yo to class" is written on the board
Our Heads of School enjoying the celebration together

Flowers for Ana Maria, Academic Dean

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