Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hello from Lima & Visit to Colegio Miramar

Greetings to all from lovely Lima, Peru! We (Ms. Kane & Ms. Nipp) have arrived safely in Peru and have been met by our most cheerful and enthusiastic UA delegation. This is the first time that Ms. Kane has traveled to one of our international sister schools and she is not only enjoying herself but she is also quite the sensation among the Peruvian students - particularly the young ones! Today we visited our sister school, Colegio Santa Ursula, and also a second Ursuline school here in Lima, Colegio Miramar. Colegio Miramar is a school with few resources but with an abundance of love and devotion from the teachers and the Ursuline Sisters. It was our great pleasure to visit this wonderful school and to give a bit of time as well as a donation from last year's Peruvian booth in our annual global market. Stay tuned for more upcoming news from our students about their experience with the children of Colegio Miramar!

Welcome to Colegio Santa Ursula!

Gathering in the school courtyard at Colegio Santa Ursula

We love Ms. Kane!

Gabi chats with a young friend at Colegio Miramar

Learning how to properly walk in a straight line at Colegio Miramar

Isabel helps out with reading time

Faculty friends from 3 Ursuline schools :)

A Serviam Llama! What could be better?!

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