Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our first day at Colegio Santa Ursula

By Catherine C. for Monday, July 1st (a little look back to earlier this week)

Our first day at school began with morning assembly, where we introduced ourselves to the SU students from a balcony above the courtyard where they gathered inside numbered circles. This area has many purposes; the girls play here during breaks and practice basketball (SU has a very successful basketball program). The girls also assemble here during earthquake drills.

Two of the teachers, Betty (the head of the English department) and Ana Maria (the Academic Dean), presented us with lovely hand-crafted charm bracelets as mementos of our visit. Several Ambassadors then took us on a tour of the school. First we stopped in the chapel, which has many beautiful stained glass windows and gorgeous images in gold leaf behind the altar. Our tour continued with a visit to the youngest students, three-year-olds, who sang to us -- in German! We saw their libraries, classrooms, labs, and computer rooms. We attended a morning class with our host sisters and then had lunch with the Ursuline Sisters at the convent (as you already know).

After lunch, we proceeded to the student lounge, which contained ping pong and foosball tables and comfortable seating areas. A tapestry depicted SU´s sister schools all over the world, including our Dallas campus. A large poster welcomed Ursuline Dallas to Peru and a another surprise awaited us. Next to the poster, we found another poster featuring photographs of us, identified by name!

Our first day at Colegio Santo Ursula is one that we will always remember!

Our welcome ceremony

A thoughtful detail to welcome us :)

The beautiful school chapel

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