Sunday, March 17, 2013

Visiting Maipu

Maipu is a middle class suburb of Santiago where there is a second Ursuline school, also called Colegio Santa Ursula. Our happy delegation recently spent the day in Maipu, visiting the Ursuline school as well as the historical Basilica of Maipu where a famous battle of Chilean independence occurred in 1818. It was a fabulous excursion on a beautiful day! Lots of friends were made and we learned a lot about Chile's history. 

Off we go!

Ready for another adventure!

We were warmly greeted by Sr. Angela, Superior of the Ursuline sisters in Santiago

Group photo with Sr. Angela and two visiting sisters from Germany

The Basilica of Maipu
The Altar is dedicated to La Virgen del Carmen

It was exciting to visit the Basilica just after the announcement of our new Pope

We decided to climb the steps all the way down from the lookout at the top of the Basilica

Walking back to school with our new friends from Maipu

A beautiful picnic lunch was waiting for us at the school

The students spotted my zoom lens aimed at them :)

Our new friends!

Prayer Cards were a gift from Sister Angela

We love Sor (Sister) Angela!

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