Sunday, March 31, 2013

Update from Uganda

Greetings and Happy Easter! We have so much more to share with you but we are leaving at 6 am tomorrow to go on safari so we must go to sleep for now. If you do not hear from us for a couple of days, please don't worry - it just means that we have no / slow internet. We'll return soon and will have even more to share about our time on safari on the Nile (at Murchison Falls National Park).

Thanks for all of the views and comments - By the way, when you leave a comment, be sure tell us your name!

All our love from Africa!

Mass on Easter Sunday - Don't we look African?


  1. You all look beautiful!
    Have a fantastic time on safari!
    Wish I was there!
    Aoibheann Tejan

  2. Happy Easter to you all!
    Have a fabulous time on safari!!!
    Susan and David Allen

  3. Everyone looks so beautiful on this glorious Easter Sunday. Enjoy the safari, and we look forward to the next update.

    Joseph, Ann and Courtney Williams

  4. though I have been reading the blog this is the first time i have signed on... love receiving it and have really enjoyed reading about your adventures in Uganda. Love to all
