Tuesday, March 12, 2013

First Days in Beijing

There is much happy news to report from our Beijing delegation. Despite the cold weather, all are feeling warm and very welcome in the company of their Chinese host families. Students have been trying all sorts of new foods which their host families are constantly offering and the teachers tell us that each Ursuline girl has arrived at school these last two days with a big smile on her face. 
On the first school day at Huaxia, our sister school, each student delegate received a darling panda bear pillow as a welcome gift (so cute!). There was a welcome ceremony outside and the Ursuline students all introduced themselves to the Huaxia students. Ursuline students attended special classes including a traditional fan-dance class and an art class. Our students also participated in Huaxia's speech contest where they recited parts of Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech in Mandarin.
Today, the group visited the Forbidden City and afterward, they were treated to piping hot yams which all agree were extremely delicious. Tomorrow will bring more thrills as our group is headed outside of Beijing to the Great Wall!

Loving our pandas!

Our group is hilarious!

UA Dallas Teachers also love the pandas!

Guess who???

Seniors were honored to meet Dr.Yiru Li, founder of Huaxia Girls' School

Learning the Fan Dance

Chilly but Happy at the Forbidden City


  1. Hi,I am from Brazil and with UA, too. I liked a lot your blog, the pictures are really beuatiful. I'm looking forward to meeting you in Dallas, in October. Isabel

    1. Thanks so much, Isabel! We are very excited to welcome you to Dallas in October!!
