Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mulago Hospital

One of the visits we made earlier this week was to the public hospital, Mulago hospital. We visited the children's malnutrition ward which, as you can imagine, was a very sobering experience. It was very hard not to cry when we saw the severely malnourished babies but we were encouraged to see that there are also wards for children to progress into as they improve. It was very interesting to learn about the circumstances that contribute to malnutrition in children - poverty, lack of education of the mother, HIV/AIDS, etc.. We were very happy to learn that Mulago educates and supports the mother while her child is in treatment. They have several programs so that the mother learns about nutrition, hygiene, etc. while the child is in the hospital. While the visit wasn't easy, we loved meeting Sarah, the counselor at the Malnutrition ward and we learned a great deal. We were also happy that we could make a small contribution of soap and funds for the mothers of the sick children.
Walking between the different buildings of the Children's ward

Sarah poses with our twins after visiting with baby twins in the ward

Carrying much- needed bars of soap

Zzham and Alexis - Zzham is an EAC graduate who works at Mulago Hospital
The coffin makers along the road to the hospital are a sad reminder of the harsh realities encountered by so many Ugandans

Greeting us and informing us about malnutrition among Ugandan children

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