Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting ready for Spring Travel!

Well, we've had a busy few weeks at UA as we prepare for Spring and Spring travel.  Three student groups have been preparing to travel from Ursuline to 3 different continents. We have a China delegation headed to Beijing and a Chile delegation headed to Santiago over Spring Break. Then, we'll be departing for Africa with our Uganda delegation for Easter! March and April are going to be full of adventure so please stay tuned to our blog to follow all of the eager student travelers!

By the way, if you would like to travel with UA this summer, this week is the time to apply! Come pick up an application in the Global Village or come see us for more information.

The Chile Delegation has a little fun outside the Global Village

Members of the China Delegation are required to learn about Chinese food and how to use chop sticks

The 2013 China Delegation

The 2013 Chile Delegation
Our friends Teddy & Libby from Empower African Children are helping to prepare our Uganda Delegation

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