Friday, March 22, 2013

Packing and preparing for Uganda

We are happy to say that our China and Chile delegations have returned home to us in Dallas after their wonderful experiences over Spring Break. Now we are looking forward to our Africa delegation which will depart this weekend for Uganda. The goal of this trip, in collaboration with the organization Empower African Children, is to learn about the challenges and opportunities in modern Africa. While our trip it is not specifically a mission trip, we have several missions planned for our time in Africa. We are taking several extra suitcases of items for St. Catherine's Primary School, the Sanyu Babies Home, the Youth Encounter the Savior center, the children of Empower African Children and more!  Gathering these much-needed items (sheets, socks, towels, shoes, etc.) has been a community-wide effort and we are so grateful to all who have helped us and who have contributed. We even received a generous monetary donation from Albertsons which will allow us to donate to several worthy organizations while we are in Uganda. We are still packing but will soon be on our way! Thanks to all for your support and prayers - we'll be back in touch from Uganda!

Our 2013 Uganda Delegation

We will spread Ursuline love with children in Africa

Thanks to our awesome Ursuline Girl Scouts for the cookie donation!

Of course, we will organize an Easter Egg Hunt with Empower African Children!!

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