Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome to Brazil!

Greetings from Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, aka the "California" of Brazil. Our happy group arrived yesterday after 2 smooth flights and a rather challenging afternoon trapped for several hours in seemingly endless lines at the Sao Paulo Airport. Luckily, our spirits remained high and we were overjoyed to arrive at our destination into the loving arms of the Brazilian host families and our hosts from Colegio Santa Ursula. 

Today is a new day - we have rested and have begun to enjoy "the thrill of Brazil." Sr. Lois and I (Ms. Nipp) spent the morning at Mass and enjoying the company of the Ursuline Community at a beautiful farm which belongs to the Ursuline school. The farm is just a few minutes from the city and is often used as a site for student excursions and retreats. Currently, the Ursuline convent at the school is being remodeled so many of the sisters are residing on the farm. 

Our three students are spending the day with their host families - attending birthday parties and family gatherings. We will be excited to see them at school tomorrow and to receive a full report on their activities!

Cheerfully waiting in the endless airport line to recheck baggage
Arriving in Ribeirao Preto!

Marisela receives a warm greeting from her host family

new friends !

The Brazilian Paparazzi was waiting for Sr. Lois at the airport (of course)

The Ursuline farm - beautiful!

Ms. Nipp & Sr. Lois with the local Ursuline Community - Sr. Helenice (in center wearing yellow) is our gracious host  

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity for these students to learn about the culture of another country! This could only enrich their senior year and prepare them for the diversity of experiences they will encounter in college.
