Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Don't Rain on Me, Argentina....

Young engineers - ready for building!
Our last full day in Brazil was spectacular! In fact, we spent the day not only in Brazil but in Argentina and Paraguay as well. Our first stop during this extraordinary day was at the Itaipu Hydroelectric dam. The dam is massive - the 2nd largest in the world and it powers almost 100% of Paraguay and 20% of Brazil. It was constructed as a bi-national collaboration between Brazil and Paraguay so we were actually in both countries during our visit to the dam.

Tory in front of Itaipu

Professor Rafael with one foot in Brazil and one in Paraguay. By the way, today was Rafael's Birthday!!

After our morning at Itaipu, we crossed over into Argentina to see the other side of the falls. It was an almost perfect experience as the park wasn't crowded and the temperature was pleasant. Unbeknownst to us, however, was the formation of a massive thunderstorm directly above us which drenched us completely - but the experience was still awesome!  

On the train through the Argentine park
All smiles (even though we are soaked) at the Devil's Throat
Walking along the Parana River as the rain calmed down

For  our last night and for Rafael's birthday, we headed to Rafain, a famous local Brazilian Restaurant which also has a spectacular dance show for tourists.  

Yay Brazil!

Posing with the chef !

Big hugs with our new friend Julio, the son of our wonderful friend and guide, Wilson.

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