Monday, September 3, 2012

Visiting Colegio Santa Ursula

Our group with Colegio Santa Ursula Principal Sr. Helenice
Today was our first day at Colegio Santa Ursula. It was a lovely warm day, perfect for appreciating the open-air environment of this beautiful institution. Our students attended classes and chatted with  administrators about Ursuline Dallas and what is surprising to them about classes here. For example, they found it interesting that the students here stay together as a group rather than each student following an individual schedule.

It's hard to say what we enjoyed the most about the school but we all agreed that it was precious to see the youngest students. Colegio Santa Ursula has a nursery school as well as a pre-school and kindergarten in addition to a lower, middle and high school. So, between the young students and the male students, it is a different world. Nevertheless, we all agreed that it felt a lot like home because the warm spirit of St. Angela and the commitment to Serviam is evident throughout the school.
Highlighting Ursuline Dallas on the map of Ursulines around the world

Chatting with Eloisa, High School Coordinator
Vivian joins a chemistry class
Visiting the Pre-school

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