Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Community Building & Adventure in Brazil

Yesterday was a fantastic day here at the Brazil Youth Meeting! The events of the day were all designed to bring us closer together as an Ursuline community. First, our Dallas group had the honor of leading the morning prayer which, of course, was a big hit since Sr. Lois planned a wonderful reflective and interactive prayer. Then, things got really exciting with a series of adventurous team- building activities including zip lining. It was thrilling and parents, don't worry, all are safe and sound! This active day ended with small groups reflecting on the experiences of the day through  discussions of words such as "Hope", "Serviam" and "Peace." The groups will present their reflections today before we head back to Ribeirao Preto for the continuation of our gathering.  

Sr. Lois leads the group through an enthusiastic round of "Alleluia, Praise Ye the Lord!"

The group that prays together, stays together :)
Marisela is ready for adventure!
Vivian takes flight!

Tory zips through the trees with ease!

Guess who??? Yes, that's Sr. Helenice joining the fun!
Our friends, Santa Ursula Faculty members and brothers, Rafael & Gustavo

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying following your adventures on the blog! Please give Sister Heleneice and Raphael my fond greetings!
