Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome to Ursuline !

Panda Bear and Teddy Bear Sisters symbolize the special relationship that we have with Huaxia

Today was an awesome day at Ursuline as we officially celebrated the arrival of the Huaxia Delegation from Beijing. Early in the morning, the Huaxia teachers made a wonderful presentation to our faculty regarding the Chinese educational system and also the history of the status of women in China. Later in the morning, three wonderful UA Ambassadors, Natalia, Phyllis and Katie, gave the group an extensive tour of Ursuline.
The highlight of the day was the welcome ceremony where the students introduced themselves and where our Mandarin IV class gave a presentation about the Autumn Moon festival. Of course, after telling us all about the celebrations in China, we all enjoyed some moon cakes together. 
How happy we are to be together on this, the 22nd exchange between our two schools!!   

UA Ambassadors greet our guests in Mandarin

The Welcome Parade Route was lined with cheerful students

HELLO !!!!

Honey Buns hugs her new Chinese friends
Chinese Language students, UA host students, the Huaxia Delegation and Ursuline Administrators (& Honey Buns!)

The Welcome Ceremony included lots of introductions


The Huaxia teachers pose with Sr. Margaret Ann and with Mrs. Bauer in front of the fan that Huaxia gave UA in 2000

Friends forever!

Headed home after a great day!

Caroline and Huaihao - together again!

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