Tuesday, October 16, 2012

UA Seniors attend Speaker Luncheon

Ursuline Seniors with Roxane Farmanfarmaian

Last week, four of our Ursuline seniors had the privilege of attending a very special luncheon sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Dallas / Ft. Worth. The speaker at the luncheon was Dr. Roxane Farmanfarmaian, a specialist on Iran, Iraq and Middle East policy and author of Blood and Oil: A Prince's Memoir of Iran, from the Shah to the Ayatollah. Dr. Farmanfarmaian was a very captivating and informative speaker and our students were honored to meet her after the luncheon.
UA students, these types of opportunities are open to all interested UA students and particularly to those who have joined the Junior World Affairs Council Club (aka "Jr. WACS"). Please see Mr. Hoyle, Ms. Middendorf or Ms. Nipp for more information about this wonderful student club!


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