Monday, October 8, 2012

Quick turn around...

Still recovering from our tears at saying goodbye to Huaxia, we quickly had to transform our panda-filled school into a welcoming tropical environment in honor of our upcoming guests from Brazil. We enlisted the help of our friends at Balloons Everyday in the building of a balloon rain forest in the Sophomore lounge. After all, we want our guests to feel at home.

Critical to the welcome process are the GAGAS, aka Girls Assisting Global Awareness. The GAGAS are the club which always helps us to welcome our guests by making signs, banners, chalk art, etc. They are a huge help with hospitality and we love having their help and support. GAGAS membership is open to all UA students and new members are always welcome.

The GAGAs hard at work making signs after school

The fabulous Balloon Rain Forest

The GAGAS are talented chalk artists 

The Nipp / Ross Advisory tests out the newly installed balloon Rain Forest

Making the WELCOME banner - we're almost ready!!

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