Sunday, October 7, 2012

A fond (and sad) farewell to our Huaxia sisters

Friday, the last day with our sisters from Beijing, came much too quickly. Our farewell started with "a party" , aka "a talent show" , in which both schools performed beautifully. The idea is that we each wanted to show our appreciation of and affection for the other school. After an exchange of gifts between our schools, it was time to walk over to St. Ursula's for one last activity (evaluations and reflections of our time together). And then we had to say goodbye ... It was, as you can imagine, very sad. Sabrina F. did her best to cheer up the other UA students by saying that she was also very sad when she left Beijing last Spring but she got to see her Chinese sister again here in Dallas and she knows she will see her again in the future.  Her words were a comfort but the tears still flowed....

It was a fantastic, flawless and all-too-short visit. Now we want to look ahead because we have been invited to Beijing in the Spring - Of course, we can't wait to be together again!   

The Ursuline Gal Pals were a huge hit!

Playing the flute, so beautifully, for UA

Jesse P. stunned all of us with her amazing hula hoop talent - Huaxia loved it!
Rachel & Luna, friends and sisters!
Katie and Xiaodi - so sweet!
Please don't go!!
One last hug
We just didn't want to let go ....

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