Monday, October 22, 2012

ACA Secondary School International Summit, Beijing

This past weekend, I had the honor of speaking at the ACA Secondary School International Summit in Beijing. The summit was part of the 2012 China Annual Conference for International Education which was sponsored by the China Education Association for International Exchange in collaboration with the National Association of Independent Schools (Ursuline Academy of Dallas is a member of NAIS).
The Conference was a fantastic event which brought together educators from all over the world including China, the USA, Australia and Canada. The theme of the Secondary School Summit was "Aspiration, Challenge, Action! Education shapes the World: Exploration and Practices in Secondary School Education Internationalization."

I spoke as part of a panel on "Diversified Student Exchange Programs." The main topic of my presentation was Ursuline's long-standing educational and cultural exchange with Huaxia Girls' School of Beijing. The talk was very well received and many congratulated Ursuline on the long history and success of our very special relationship with Huaxia. 
Paul Miller, Global Programs Director for NAIS, and I (Ms. Nipp) on the first day of the Conference

Mr. Miller made a presentation about the importance of students learning IN the world

Making my presentation about Ursuline & Huaxia 

Posing with fellow panel member, Ben Adams of Duke University  

We learned so much about international education from the perspective of many different countries

There was a lovely banquet reception to honor the more than 1000 conference attendees

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