Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome to our USA Ursuline Academy sisters!

 Now that we are back home, it's time to welcome new friends to Dallas. Our first-ever USA sister school has just arrived from Ursuline Academy in Wilmington, Delaware. Our 8 student guests are all sophomores and all of their hosts are UA Dallas sophomores. It's a wonderful new bond of sisterhood that we are enjoying and we love having our Delaware sisters on campus! They fit into our school so well that we have to look closely at their uniforms in order to distinguish them!

A Texas Style welcome!

Meeting the Rangerettes

A joyful greeting from Ms. Bourgeois

Sr. Lois greets Kim Schiccatano, leader of the delegation

Welcome Leslie!

Yellow is the UA Dallas Sophomore color!

New sisters and fast friends

A little welcome gift

Ready for our tour and for our first full day in Dallas!

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