Friday, April 5, 2013

Leadership Workshop with EAC

On Saturday, we were invited to present a leadership workshop to all of the EAC students. We joined them at their training center and led discussions on social networking, manners and more. Of course, there was a lot of fun in these student-led sessions - fun which included games, skits, soccer and LOTS of dancing during breaks. Our favorite skit (the one that got the most reaction) was, of course, the skit about dating and being respectful. Bryan, from EAC was the star along with our Ryan because they played the couple on the good date (sadly, Meghan had a bad date with Bryan). It was hilarious to say the least. The workshop day ended with an affirmation activity where we all made T-Shirts and people wrote affirming messages on the shirts - it was wonderful and so heart-warming!
But our hearts were completely melted at the end of the day when we were honored by an informal (but beautiful) singing performance by all of the children. We loved it! And, to make another near perfect day, we had a big birthday cake for our Megan and for all of those from both UA and EAC who will celebrated or will celebrate birthdays in March and April.



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