Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A reluctant farewell to our South African sisters

Sunday afternoon was pretty gloomy for our South African host families. As much as we hated to say goodbye, it was time to bid farewell to our dear friends. We reluctantly accompanied the group to the airport and we stayed together until we were forced to separate.  What a fantastic time we had together these last two weeks! Tonight, our friends are almost back home in Johannesburg and we can't wait to hear from them and to make plans to see each other again.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Learning about Brescia House & South Africa

Today we were treated to an excellent and informative presentation by the South African delegation. They shared lots of interesting facts about South Africa and about their school, Brescia House. We especially enjoyed learning about their traditional "War Cries" and about the many official languages of South Africa. At the end of the presentation, the students gave a South African flag to Ursuline as a gift. Thank you so much, Brescia House girls - we loved the presentation and we learned so much!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

South Africans attend UA classes

We are enjoying every minute with our South African guests. Yesterday, they were on campus all day learning and laughing with us in a variety of meetings and classes. We are learning so much from each other!

By the way, three of our South African friends are celebrating birthdays while they are in Dallas. Yesterday, we celebrated Emma's birthday with a cake, Dr. Pepper (her favorite new Texas beverage), a giant elephant balloon and LOTS of giggles.
Arts with Ms. Buxkemper

Good Morning!

Discussing college admissions with College Counseling

Turning the classroom into a camera in Photography class

Ursuline sisters :)

Off to class!

Happy Birthday Emma! Enjoy your Dr. Pepper!

Monday, April 22, 2013

South African Delegation serves North Texas

One of our favorite places to serve the community is the North Texas Food Bank. This Monday, our South African guests went to the Food Bank and helped sort medicine and food. The learned all about the needs of the North Texas Community and they tell us that it felt great to learn about the issues and then to make a small difference. In fact, the difference they made was not so small - In one afternoon, they helped to sort 1,500 pounds of food which created 60 boxes and completed two pallets, providing 420 meals for kids in need. Additionally, they helped sort 9,000 pounds of medicines which created 8 pallets. WOW! It is so wonderful to have these generous guests with us and to share a Serviam experience!  

South Africa Delegation explores Big D

Even though our South African friends have been here only a short time, they have already found their way to many important Dallas landmarks. They have visited the Perot museum, the World Aquarium, Dallas City Hall and more. By the big smiles on their faces, we think that they are adapting very well to life in Texas. This makes us very happy at UA Dallas because we are loving having them as our special guests!!

Posing in front of the Dallas Skyline

Dallas City Hall

Learning all about Chips & Salsa!!

Visiting the brand new Perot Museum of Science

So much to see at the Dallas Aquarium

We're not scared of a little shark....

Teachers become Texas Rangers fans

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Welcome Ursuline sisters from South Africa!!

After many months of anticipation, our sisters from Brescia House Ursuline School in Johannesburg, South Africa , have finally arrived! Because it is their first visit to the USA and to UA Dallas, we wanted to give them a very special welcome. As you can see from the photos below, the whole UA Dallas community, including our mascot, Honey Buns, came out to say hello and Welcome to Texas!!

LOVE the hats!!!


Farewell to our UA sisters from Delaware

We so enjoyed hosting Ursuline Academy of Wilmington, Delaware. We learned a lot and laughed a lot! Our last two days together were super busy but we loved every minute. We miss you, UA Delaware - We can't wait to visit you next year !!!
Loved the Delaware presentation!

Comparing UA life in the KIVA

Friends forever!

We're sending a little bit of Dallas to Wilmington...

And we're keeping a little piece of Wilmington in the Global Village!

Farewell for now...

Last stop: Cowboys stadium where Ms. Bourgeois threw a pass to our guests!

Texas touchdown!!

Now they are Texans!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Country Dancin' in Ft. Worth

We are very proud of our Northern sisters who mastered several "Boot Scootin' " moves today in Ft. Worth. In this video you see them at the famous "Honkey Tonk", Billy Bob's Texas. Rhonda the cowgirl was their teacher and she found them to be excellent students.

Delaware enjoys Big fun in Big D !

Our friends from Delaware have been enjoying their time in Dallas and have already become honorary Texans. We have done our very best to show them Texas hospitality and important cultural customs such as eating Barbecue, loving Tex Mex cuisine, saying "Y'all" and wearing boots. They seem to be adapting well to life in Texas as you can see by the "Around Town" photos below.

At Dallas City Hall

What happened here???

Cowgirls from Delaware

At the Cathedral of Guadalupe

On the famous grassy knoll, reviewing the last moments of JFK