Thursday, November 29, 2012

Making plans in England

This week I am working in England and visiting our lovely sister school, Ursuline High School in Wimbledon. One major purpose of this trip is to work out the details of the upcoming delegation visits scheduled for 2013. This year, our delegation to England will participate in a summer school class in Dallas before traveling to the UK. The class will be a history class, focused on the Cold War and on events leading up to the Cold War. Then, when the group is in London, they will visit sites related to their studies. Additionally, they will enjoy all of the customary activities of delegations past such as seeing the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace and a lesson in British tea time. The Wimbledon delegation will be hosted by Ursuline High School families as in the past. We will officially announce this wonderful opportunity in late January when we announce all of the summer travel / study opportunities. And, of course, we look forward to having our UK friends on our campus in October of 2013.

 Wimbledon Station

10th grade Ursuline girls - perhaps some will come to Dallas in 2013!

Our sister school is also a red brick building.

Ms. Julia Waters, Principal of Ursuline High School

The Imperial War Museum - We hope that UA students will soon experience it!  

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