Friday, November 9, 2012

DADYO : Open Dialogue and Politics

The monthly DADYO (Dallas Area Diversity Youth Organization) meeting was held this past week at Jesuit College Prep. Ursuline students were well represented by a large group of enthusiastic young women who were eager to discuss the hot topic of the evening: Open Dialogue and Politics. Since our meeting was held on the day after the Presidential election, it It was a perfect time to reflect on how to respectfully discuss differences of opinion. The Jesuit student leaders centered the discussion around the changing demographics of the USA and showed the PBS documentary America by the Numbers, narrated by journalist Maria Hinojosa. It was an evening of deep discussion and community building - we can't wait for our turn to host DADYO at UA in the Spring! 
Friends meeting and greeting before the meeting

Socializing with our DADYO pals

A Clip from "America by the Numbers"

Jesuit Students giving instructions to the groups

We had a great evening!

Closing comments and refelctions

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