Sunday, December 9, 2012

Students reflect on their SDLC experience

We have had such an inspiring and exciting time this past week in Houston. After the closing ceremony, we asked our students "What was a highlight of SDLC (Student Diversity Leadership Conference) for you?" and here is what they said: 
Courtney: I loved my Home Group where we clarified all sorts of questions about identity ... I also liked the silent movement exercise where we didn't have to explain ourselves....

Jessica: I liked the SDLC Closing Ceremony where students talked about their journeys ... It felt very open and powerful because people said things that they had never had the courage to say before - not even to their own families...

Sabrina: I liked the silent motion activity where people who thought they were all alone saw that others stood with them and that they aren't alone after all ...

Adesuwa: I liked meeting people from other schools and I made a great friend from Virginia. 

Sara: I loved my Family Group and realizing that there are other people like you facing the same challenges .. It was powerful hearing stories of hurts and also the silent affirmation activity. 

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