Friday, August 31, 2012

Brazil Bound!

Our Dallas Delegation - Ready for Brazil !

Marisela, Vivian and Tori
This August, a small and splendid delegation of three UA seniors and two UA administrators are headed to Brazil for a meeting of Ursuline Youth. We will be meeting students and educators from various Ursuline schools in Brazil. The theme of the meeting is the environment and our responsibility toward the earth. Please follow along as we journey through Brazil with our Ursuline sisters and brothers (note: Ursuline Schools in Brazil are co-ed!).

Friday, August 24, 2012

Apply to host friends from China and Brazil!

Our friends from China, 2011
The Brazil Delegation and UA host sisters, 2010

We at Ursuline Dallas are so excited because, in a few short weeks, we will welcome guests from our sister schools in China and Brazil. Host student applications are now available in the Global Village. UA students, we encourage you to apply to host and to make a new friend! As you can see, our Brazilian sister school is co-ed so you can apply to host a boy IF you have a teenage brother living at home. Please see Ms. Nipp or Ms. Ross in the Global Village if you have any questions.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome Paula !

Paula poses in the Global Village
As we begin our 2012-13 school year, we are delighted to welcome a new member to our school community. Paula S. will be an exchange student and member of the senior class this semester. She is almost 18 years old (her birthday is next week!) and she has already graduated from high school at home in San Jose, Costa Rica. Paula is currently living with fellow senior, Valeria B. who has been her friend since the two met in kindergarten in Costa Rica.

Paula is an only child and her hobbies include hip-hop dance and kick boxing. Paula loves animals and has a dog in Costa Rica. She also enjoys painting, drawing and listening to music in Spanish, English and Portuguese. This is Paula's first "real" visit to the USA. She is very excited to learn more about American culture and to improve her English language skills. She wants Ursuline students to know how happy she is to be here and that she knows this experience will be one that she "will always remember."

Welcome Paula! We look forward to having you in our school!